
What is Collagen?

Collagen is derived from the Greek word “kolla” which means glue – Its the major protein in the connective tissues of the body, essentially “holding” your whole body together.

Collagen is found in bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, skin, gums, and teeth where it forms a “scaffold” to provide strength and structure, i.e. it provides:

  • Elasticity and volume (skin and hair)
  • Flexibility and mobility of the body’s structural components (cartilages & joints)
  • Smooth functioning of internal organs – acts as a kind of intercellular “glue” that gives support to organs (heart, kidneys & liver)
  • Restores blood vessels, bruises and broken bones
  • Maintenance of good form for blood vessels and bone density

Collagen is the most abundant protein which accounts for 30% of total body proteins and 75% of the protein that makes up your skin.

It is naturally produced by your body, but various factors contribute to the reduction of collagen production in our bodies:

  • Natural Aging Process – we lose 1.5% collagen per year from the age of 25 (by the age of 60, you will have less than half of your body’s collagen left).
  • External factors such as sunlight, smoking, and high sugar consumption.

When our body produces less collagen, it results in

  • Less density in our bones
  • Weakening of joints
  • Loss in hair volume and strength
  • Skin losing elasticity and the formation of lines and wrinkles
  • Weak muscles

Since an insufficient quantity of collagen cannot be provided through the consumption of different kinds of food, the intake of Hydrolyzed Collagen is essential.

What is Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Collagen supplement for human consumption is sourced from pork, beef, marine, or poultry and can be derived from various forms such as bone, cartilage, hides, fish scales, etc.

Collagen from these protein sources needs to be broken down first so that your body can use it – this is known as Hydrolyzed Collagen.

Hydrolyzed Collagen is produced through a process called enzymatic hydrolysis where water molecules rupture the bonds between individual collagen strands, resulting in small, intact, and undamaged amino acids. These amino acids are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and are used as the building blocks of new collagen.

Hydrolyzed Collagen is important for our bodies because:

  • It is easily absorbed (high percentage of bioavailability)
  • It releases three times more amino acids which are essential for the synthesis of new collagen in your body.

All Collagen supplements are hydrolyzed but they are derived from different protein sources,  broken down in varying degrees and available in various formats including liquid, powders, and tablets. Your choice of a quality Collagen Supplement should consider these factors.